Who We Are


M100L is an autonomous community organization founded in 2015 by members of the Laval community who wanted to support women living with borderline personality disorder (BPD). It offers a pair-help approach that values members’ strengths and resources.

Since 2015, M100L has offered activities for women and, since 2021, it has extended its services to men in addition to increasing its intake capacity.


Our dream is to break taboos, dispel prejudice and bring people suffering from BPD out of isolation.

Maison 100 Limites aims for the emotional and social rehabilitation of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD), through the development of a therapeutic community based on the notion of “peer helpers” and driven by values of caring and respect for boundaries.


We are dedicated to being the voice and ambassador of the BPD community.

To provide a living environment and recovery opportunity where people with Borderline Personality Disorder combine their strengths for the benefit of themselves and others, in order to ease their distress and help them overcome their emotional and relational fragilities, thereby reducing the toxic episodes in their lives marked by disruption and instability.


We value dignity and & inclusivity as well as kindness, Courage, respect, integrity, Perseverance and Mutual aid.

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Our Team

Marie-Helene D’Astous


Claudianne Monette

Psychosocial worker

Samantha Antoine

Psychosocial worker

Naomi Melançon

Psychosocial worker

Audrey Robitaille


Yelissa Zanabriga

Psychosocial worker

Board of Directors

Cynthia Gingras


Marie-Carmen Plante


Louise Charest


Annie Jutras


Aymanne Haddou


Audrey-Anne Harvey


Philippe Lamarche


Mélanie Turmel



The mission, objectives and priority actions of La Maison 100 Limites will be achieved, among other things, thanks to the support of our partners:

«  A place where friends can have fun and forget all their worries.  »


«  A place to get together, chat, create and unwind! Thank you M100L!  »


«  M100L is a place where I can enrich my creativity and feel well surrounded without judgment. It's a place that reminds me that I can be myself and that my dreams are not far-fetched.  »


«  Fun times, relevant information, friendly and pleasant, and times to be yourself without being judged.  »


«  La Maison 100 limites is a place where I can let go, where I feel confident to evolve at my own pace. When I arrived, I quickly felt that I belonged. I'm welcomed in both my highs and my lows, and that's the strength of La M100L.  »


«  A welcoming resource where you feel at home!  »


«  Meetings, recreation, laughter and fun, activities, sharing lessons, listening and resources: it's all that and more at La Maison100 Limites. It got me out of my loneliness and boosted my self-confidence and self-esteem.  »
